
And then this Bear, Pooh Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh, F.O.P. (Friend of Piglet's), R.C. (Rabbit's Companion), P.D. (Pole Discoverer), E.C. and T.F. (Eeyore's Comforter and Tail-finder)--in fact, Pooh himself--said something so clever that Christopher Robin could only look at him with mouth open and eyes staring, wondering if this was really the Bear of Very Little Brain whom he had know and loved so long.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

my vacation, cont'd

observed -

bumber stickers:
~My President is Charleton Heston
~Who (sic) would Jesus Bomb?


~Affordable Same Day Dentures
~Secrets Adult Store - Cheaper than dating!
~Sumo Golf Village
~Exotic World of Giant Tropical Insects

Saturday, August 27, 2005


a radio advertisement for "sedation dentistry" actually included the phrase,
"with just one little pill you will be completely at ease."
reassuring, i'm sure.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

One Rock, Two Rocks, Red Rock, Blue Spruce

Reality doesn't always rhyme, but of late it has been quite beautiful. I may get around to writing more seriously later, but here's an update, for those of you who have been awaiting it anxiuosly. (?)

basically, my trip to CO has two parts:
1- beautiful nature mountain things.
2- chilling with my homegirls (aka female camaraderie (sp?))

the following are some tidbits. I leave it to you to file them appropriately.

a small red rental car

hail three days in a row

4 coyotes

"Miriam, it's hard to tell when you're cranky."

"What's the point of having powers if you only use them for good?"

To be continued...

Thursday, August 18, 2005

my journey

oh, and if you have advice about renting cars cheaply please do share some wisdom...

why i write posts of the what-i-had-for-breakfast variety:

because i hold out a secret hope that someone out there will say something to make my life interesting even though it's not really so much right now. though it will soon be very pretty as i am going West, my son.

who's afraid?

you know you are in the Brooklyn Public Library when, while looking in the Ks for Kafka all you can find is an entire shelf of Jonathan and Fay Kellerman. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I tried to follow up on the suggestion to read the Golden Notebook (which I started ill-fatedly many years ago), which was absent, and settled for something tried and true to match my restless mood, except that they didn't have To the Lighthouse. well, that's ok, i thought, i liked Mrs. DAlloway (of which they had 4-5 copies, probably thanks to The Hours) better. Wen i started reading i adjusted that evaluation: i remember being supposed to like Mrs. D better, but finding it wholly confusing 8 years ago. this time, so far, however, its been just the thing...

the old country

so yes, i finally have a place to hang my hat that is not someone else's couch. a lovely apartment in the lovely washington heights. you are all invited, expect that most of you aren't because my roomate is allergic to boys and won't allow them in the apartment. but yeah, in theory...

the nostalgia for brooklyn (where i am still sleeping, incidentally) has set in quite seriously, in the usual trivial ways. i like thinking about the BK much more than living here, it seems...

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

my news

things on my List that I accomplished:

1- go to dentist, get teeth cleaned*
2- get new glasses *
3- get my aptitudes tested for career guidance to appease my mother
3- plan vacation (more or less, so far)
4- get an apartment

*especially important in view of fantastic but soon to expire benefits associated with being a union, and, what's more, government employee...

things not accomplished:

1- decide where i will learn next year
2- figure out something for thereafter
3- study for assorted standardized tests

Lolita X. Posure

Was my character in my first ever "How to host a murder" dinner party (courtesy of an old friend). I recommend these games if you like 1- throwing wild accusations around the dinnertable or 2- puns. A good time was had by all.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


1- yated neeman this week has a front page article about "Binyomin Netanyahu," I wonder if other Israelis of whose politics they approve less merit similar ashkenazation.

2- the store where I bought cold medicine this morning had a section for "Incontinents."

this post is filed under the category: pedantic about grammar

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

what i'm reading

"Some moderates regard the rather amorphous and unpredictable character of halakhah as its most admirable feature. Those who seek integrity and credibility by flattening out the halakhah into some uniform mode of artificial neatness trivialize its vibrancy as a living organism and run the risk of encouraging mediocre thinking where imagination is called for."

I think I said something like that elsewhere once. Anyway, guess the book (unless you know already), win a prize.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

In perpetuity throughout the universe

About a year ago I was an extra in a movie (then called April Showers, it's been renamed Play it by Ear, probably because of this
At the time, our only compensation for waiting hours in Central Park were mini candy bars, which were actually good enought at the time, but whatever...
They sent me the following "performance release:"

"I hereby authorize April Showers Movie Productions, LLC to record my name, likeness, image, voice and biographical material on tape for the feature film entitled "April Showers".(sic) [a separate letter exaplined that the neame was being changed.]


I grant April Showers Movie Productions, LLC the right without limitation to use my physical likeness and/or voice in perpetuity throughout the universe, in all known and hereafter existing media, in any form including photograph, picture, artist's rednering, silhouette, or other reproduction by film, tape, internet, or otherwise for the purpose of producing this feature film or any promotional material in support of this film.


They really covered all their bases, eh?

Anyway, if it ever comes out, the movie didn't seem very good, so I'm not sure I recommend it.

Friday, August 05, 2005


Free to be You and Me singalong in the living room.
Now aren't you jealous.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

my life as a yoshevet keranot

for the first time in recorded memory i have nothing to do all day and am not recuperating from some trumatic recent experience. I have no idea what to do with myself. thankfully, i will hopefully be going on vacation later this month so i can do nothing in the pristine mountains, but really, my inability to entertain myself is tuly appalling, and does not bode well for my general hapiness in life (ok, that may be a bit of an exaggerated conclusion, but just a bit).
this is also by way of a backhanded apology for the likely low quality of the things-i-post-to-pass-the-time... anwyay, that's that.

videological systematics

today i went looking for being john malkovich, a movie which i have shamefully never seen (lest oren get too self important, this has been on my immediate list for weeks before he mocked my illiteracy). it was rented out, so no luck, (though i have another 3-4 days of TV posession and nothing-to-do-all-day, if you have any suggestions...), but it was classified in a suprising section. to gague whether my surpise was accurate, i have lceverly devised the following poll:

which section do you think being john malkovich belongs in?

the sections in the store were:

~New Releases
~Summer Sequels

feel good

if you need some trite "inspiration," check this out.
the reason i bring it up is that i got the link in a foreward from a string of adults i generally respect, who are generally not total idiots. yet, still, they seem to enjoy this sort of ridiculous sappery. or do they just forward everything they get unflinghingly? or are they still taken with the miracles of technology to the point of loving powerpoint, etc, just for existing even when the specific produt in question is boring and unremarkable? anyway, the credentials of these individuals aside, somebody somewhere creates things like this knowing that other people will enjoy them.
will this happen to me when i get old?