
And then this Bear, Pooh Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh, F.O.P. (Friend of Piglet's), R.C. (Rabbit's Companion), P.D. (Pole Discoverer), E.C. and T.F. (Eeyore's Comforter and Tail-finder)--in fact, Pooh himself--said something so clever that Christopher Robin could only look at him with mouth open and eyes staring, wondering if this was really the Bear of Very Little Brain whom he had know and loved so long.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

have you heard "yoya" at any weddings lately?

Over at R. Josh's (and presumably elsewhere, though I'm not on top of the whole interweb) there's been a lot of discussion of a new OU/NSCY website promoting "abstinence." Well, the topic was posed to the lookjed listserve, and I found one response particularly...interesting.
Many are of the opinion that the entire matter should not be discussed,
heard written about, etc. Sex education is a "no no." The best way to curb
immoral behavior is to do whatever possible to remove it from the mind.
The more it is in the mind of people the more it will be explored, played
with, indulged in and violated. There is no way to avoid it. If you want a
liberal democratic "enlightened" society you will have to pay the price
with promiscuity, high divorce rate, tardiness in getting married (if at
all) and a general state of frustration and unhappiness. Sex education
does much more harm than good.

I have a lot of experience with communities where these topics are never
in the limelight. The youth are so pure that it is a pleasure to look at
their innocent sweet faces. ... Sex education is given prior to marriage and
everyone seems to be very content, on the whole.

This is the only really effective method. All other compromises generally
just don't seem to work, although there is positive and negative in almost
everything and I am sure that some have benefited from the website, but
the above method is much more effective.

Of course, there are some problems with this view. First, factually, my impression (all hearsay, obviously) is that it is not actually accurate to say that rebbeim in your average yeshivish boys school don't talk about sex (aka the yetser hora, etc...). Furthermore, even to the extent they don't talk about it, I don't think it is really that far from the mind of the young men in question. (If it is, countless tsnius books will need to rethink the "MenHaveNoSelfControlThinkAboutSexAllTheTimeCantBeTrusted" trope...)
However, I think he may be on to something with girls. For whatever reason, it seems to be completely possible to get many high school girls to sublimate all their sexual interests/energies. And it's true, the temimus of many such young women is a wonder, and harder to find among the coed-socializers. This leads to the second potential problem, which is that these girls are basically the only ones in their community totally not thinking abt sex, and the very fact that they are not educated seems to leave them vulnerable in many ways. However, I think the commenter brought a pov that at least deserves to be aired.
Which brings me to the title of this post. When i was of bar- and bat-mitsvah-going age, I recall the favorite dances being "yoya" and "yidden". I've noticed of late that "yoya" isn't as popular as it once was - I can't remember the last time I heard it at a wedding. Of course, fashions change, and the fact that yoya is a secular song whose lyrics, not being pesukim or otherwise recognizable from the litrugy, may be hard for poor American band leaders to sing (as well as perhaps "inappropriate" in heimishe settings...) probably doesn't help it.
On Sunday, at a friend's daughter's bat mitzvah, I witnessed another possible reason. It seems that the young folks have a new-fangled dance to yoya. this dance is, well, not appropriate. by which I mean that the same choreography could easily be transplanted to a music video. (I'm not saying that in the way old people refer to "MTV" and generally mean "not what we used to do," but rather that I really could be in a pop or hip hop video.) However, my initial shock (I am such an old fogey!) was replaced with bemusal (word?) rather quickly since it was quite clear the girls dancing had no idea. that is, no idea what they were doing could be done provocatively. It was kind of cute, and reminded me of the lookjed post above. Of course, the communities where sex-ed is a real no no tend to be the communities where sucha dance would be outlawed by any self respecting menaheles in a second. but still, the parallels remain...


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