
And then this Bear, Pooh Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh, F.O.P. (Friend of Piglet's), R.C. (Rabbit's Companion), P.D. (Pole Discoverer), E.C. and T.F. (Eeyore's Comforter and Tail-finder)--in fact, Pooh himself--said something so clever that Christopher Robin could only look at him with mouth open and eyes staring, wondering if this was really the Bear of Very Little Brain whom he had know and loved so long.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

why i hate haloween

the greenwich village halloween parade meant it took me close to an hour to even get onto the subway after leaving school yesterday. (i kept going where the policemen told me to go only to be told upon getting there that the entrance/station was actually closed...)

it's gross. i mean, clown suits are fine, but miniskirted "nurses" comingling with blood-spattered corpses is just gross. really.
this is connected to a more general issue of squeamishness on my part, i suppose. i find that my underexposure to popular culture makes me extremely sensitive to gruesome images (eg, subway advertisements for a tv series about a serial killer featuring limbs of corpses, or basically anything having to do with any incarnation of the movie "Saw"). i mean, i just don't want to have to look at such things.

the end. i'm off to attend a lecture in lieu of doing a rather substantial project that's due, err, tomorrow...


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