
And then this Bear, Pooh Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh, F.O.P. (Friend of Piglet's), R.C. (Rabbit's Companion), P.D. (Pole Discoverer), E.C. and T.F. (Eeyore's Comforter and Tail-finder)--in fact, Pooh himself--said something so clever that Christopher Robin could only look at him with mouth open and eyes staring, wondering if this was really the Bear of Very Little Brain whom he had know and loved so long.

Thursday, August 31, 2006


I asked two women walking in the village for directions to traders joe's yesterday.
They didn't know.
Then one asked, "did you go to stern."
I said "not at all," thinking she meant NYU's Stern and wondering why she would ask.
Then I reevaluated the question - "Stern College or Stern School of Business?"
"Stern College," she clarified.
"No, neither."
"I teach there."
I thought the whole exchange was odd. Had she mistaken me for a specific indiviual she had taught or just thought I looked the part?
With tongue fimrly in cheek, though in a very friendly tone, I said, "We all look the same," to which she laughed rather heartilly.

Now, if someone ever accused me of making a they-all-look-the-same mistake I think I would be embarassed, no? *

Well, whatever, I just thought it was odd. Just goes to show I have a reason to be self-conscious about wearing socks on my head every day.

*Insert rant about how only certain priveleged identities get the benefits of political correctness...


At 5:25 PM, Blogger jacob said...

To get to Trader Joe's walk up to 14th Street and then make a right. It is on the SW corner of 14th and 3rd.

At 6:03 PM, Blogger miriam said...

thanks. i found it and the linew were absurd, but at least i got an idea of what they have...


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