treife medineh
An email invitation from the "young leadership division" of a well-known frum organization recently evaded my spam filter.
Subject: Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow....
Inviting me to a "food and wine tasting" (insert attempt to sound posh while sounding really not here...)
two things:
1 - i think it;'s funny that frum people think if you use elipses instead of a word because that word conveys something you consider inappropriate it's ok even if your whole point is to evoke that word.
i am reminded of political postrs in chareidi neighborhoods in yerushalayim admonishing various ministers not to bring "etnan ..." to the House of God.
sometimes, it's more salacious to leave things unsaid, reinforceing taboos, tahn it would be just to say them...
2 - more importantly, i think it's a little applaing that a frum organization thinks taht's an acceptable slogan for one of its events.
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