
And then this Bear, Pooh Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh, F.O.P. (Friend of Piglet's), R.C. (Rabbit's Companion), P.D. (Pole Discoverer), E.C. and T.F. (Eeyore's Comforter and Tail-finder)--in fact, Pooh himself--said something so clever that Christopher Robin could only look at him with mouth open and eyes staring, wondering if this was really the Bear of Very Little Brain whom he had know and loved so long.

Monday, July 11, 2005

the story of money

th treasury dept. publishes a little "comic book" about money with the same title as this post that's suposed to engage children while educating them or whatever, but i bring it up only to continue my saga of before...

new information:
1- the check was cashed without any edorsement by the payee. (not a forged endorsement, just nothing on the back at all.)
2- as such, the affidavit thingamabob has to be signed, with a notary and all, by the payee (who happens to live in florida) aserting that she never received the money before an investigation can commence, allegedly.

this all seems rather strange because i'm pretty sure that among all the fancy numbers on the back of the check are codes which someone in the know can fairly easily decipher to see where the money went. now, i supose there could be some consipiracy between me and the landlady to both get the money, but the insistence on the affidavit-before-investigation sequence is annoying, to say the least...

so now the question is whether i can make them investigate simultaneously with getting her signature.

cleverly enough, these things are all handled through a "claims center" whose staff cannot be acessed directly at any regular banks, they say.

my experience with the board of ed would lead me to believe that what one has to do in such a situation is do everything they tell me to do perfectly, and then compain if they don't keep up their part.

oren believes that what one has to do is go in to the bank for four hours and bother people and their managers until they give you what you want, because 'their job is to wait for you to leave."
i mentioned this take on things to my chavrusa (after seder, of course!) and she said "is the person who gave you that advice israeli?"


At 5:05 PM, Blogger jacob said...

I will give my advice a little later. for now, I will say that your idea for handling the situation based on your experience with the board of Ed is precisely what you should not do. For now, it woulndt hurt to pester the bank.
I would suggest you not pay next months rent if the landlord doesnt sign the affidavit (your entire explanation sounds very shady). You know have a written check that proves you paid the rent (early!). It is up to your landlord to prove that you didnt pay it. If she claims someone else cashed the check, it becomes her problem.

At 5:06 PM, Blogger jacob said...

I almost forgot - this post should in no way be interpreted as advice to break the law in any way.

At 8:29 PM, Blogger miriam said...

clarification )which may make me look like more of an idiot than a victim, but whatever...): she got the rent. (i wrote her another check after i saw the first was missing [ i never gave it to her, so i figured it was lost in the insanity that i my room], before it was cashed). it _is_ possible that she lied to me and got both checks somehow, cashing one in some bizarrely shady way. however, i think it that less likely than that i lost the first check on the street in crown heights and someone there cashed it in said shady way.

anyway, i think right now my main point is the bank should be able to tell me what happened to the money whether or not she swears she never got it. (otherwise things become hopelessly prolonged, because i can't imagine her putting herself out for me, and anyway florida is far away...)

tomorrow afternoon is my afternoon off, so i get to go hang out at my friendly local financial center. hoorah.

At 11:19 PM, Blogger jacob said...

I find it hard to believe that a bank will cash a check that had someone elses name on it if it isnt endorsed. maybe they will do it if the person cahsing it were the one to whom it was made out to. anyway, it should not take that long to clear up. unless you wrote out a check and signed it without making out to anyone. If you did that...please dont tell me.


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